Panel Members
Each Tribunal panel is made up of a Legal Member (who is the Convener), a Medical Member and a General Member.
Panel Members are selected from a pool of approximately 350 Tribunal Members (part‑time public appointments) who are responsible for the judicial functioning of the Tribunal and are publicly appointed, as is the President.
Legal Members are solicitors or advocates of at least 7 years’ standing.
Medical Members are psychiatrists experienced in the diagnosis and treatment of mental disorders.
General Members have experience or qualifications in social care facilities and include:
- People who have experience of mental disorder and of using mental health services
- Carers for mental health service users
- Registered nurses with mental health experience
- Clinical psychologists on the register of chartered psychologists of the British Psychological Society
- Social workers with mental health experience
- Occupational therapists with mental health experience
- Individuals who are employed in the provision, or management of the provision, of a care service
There is also a shrieval panel - Shrieval members list This is a list of sheriffs who have undergone additional training and who convene hearings for patients subject to a compulsion order and restriction order (CORO).